Posted on May 19, 2019
Another name for Turkey's May 19 holiday is the Commemoration of Atatürk. Atatürk means "Father of the Turks," and it refers to Mustafa Kemal, Founder of Turkey. Kemal landed in the coastal city of Samsun, on May 19, 1919, to start the War of Independence.
Independence from who? you may be wondering...
Well, the Ottoman Empire (aka Turkish Empire) was one of the losers in World War I, and so the various lands that were part of the Ottoman Empire had been partitioned up (in other words, divided up) and were occupied by the Allies (the nations on the winning side of the war).
(Above, the map at the beginning of World War I; below, the map after that war.)
So, basically independence from occupying forces from Greece, Armenia, France, the United Kingdom (Britain), and Italy.
The public holiday is a day off work for almost everyone, and a day off of school for students (but this year falls on a Sunday, on the weekend, so many people already have the day off!).

Sporting events are held during the day, and some students give presentations or put on programs.

Here are some spectacular things to see in Turkey:
Grand Bazaar:
Basilica Cistern:
Cappadocia Mountains:
Hot springs and pools:
Etc., etc.!!!
Also on this date:

(Varying Dates)
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