Posted on March 6, 2017
Today is Day of the Dude - the sacred high holy day of Dudeism.

Some people probably look on Dudeism as a sort of cool fan-based mock religion, but others actually take it seriously. They have a logo and some Great Dudes in History, who include Laozi, the Ancient Greek philosophers Epicurus, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Mark Twain. There are tens of thousands of Dudeist priests and Dudeist marriages. Some of the philosophies include "go with the flow," "take it easy," and "keep your cool."
The Church of the Latter-Day Dude, which is the full formal name, offers The Dudespaper, a holy book called The Tao Dude Ching, and self-help books such as The Abide Guide.
The other "D" Day celebrated today is National Dress Day - a day to wear your favorite dress, share photos of your favorite dresses, and remember your favorite dresses from days gone by.
I personally most like a hippie or new-hippie, bohemian vibe in dresses - even though I don't wear dresses very much at all!
Here are some boho-type dresses:
Also on this date:
And here are my Pinterest boards for:
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