Posted on March 8, 2017
I find myself wondering if this is really Girls Write Now Day - the evidence is thin - and, if so, why today? - could it be the anniversary of the organization's founding?
But then I realized, who cares? It's a great thing for people to know about, and it works well with International Women's Day (see below)!

Slightly off of the focus on writing, College Bound is a program with tutorials and workshops that help the girls to turn in their college applications.
The programs have had great success, with every girl going to college armed with a writing portfolio and more confidence in their own writing and voice, and with about half of the girls earning scholarships and awards.
This year's theme is "Rise, Speak, Change," with the subtitle that "Never before has been so important."
Also on this date:

Discover What Your Name Means Day
Fiesta of San Juan de Dios
Plan ahead:
And here are my Pinterest boards for:
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