Posted on September 5, 2020
Writing date?
A woman named Natalie Collins discovered that she wanted to write stuff, and she even needed to write stuff, but it was really hard to find the time to ever write stuff!
She decided to do something about it: Virtual writing dates!
Collins sets aside an hour a week to hold a Zoom writing party. She checks in with her writing buddies for the first nine minutes or so, then everyone writes for 50 minutes - Collins sets a timer! - and at the end everyone congratulates one another for sticking to it and getting writing done.
This is a fantastic idea - one that can be copied by people everywhere. It might be best to try find people who are in your age bracket or who write for some of the same reasons you write - like, if you write fan fiction, find other fans who do that, too, but if you love to scribble poetry, search for other budding poets - and you can even just stick with people you know in real life!
(Covid makes virtual get-togethers mandatory for many, but Zoom make "getting together" easier for people who don't drive or live too far apart or or or...)
If you have no idea how to find writing buddies, reach out to Collins at the link above.
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