Posted on February 20, 2020
That's what PechaKucha means, in Japanese. But this hot new-ish term doesn't really refer to casual back-and-forth chats. Rather, it's a presentation or storytelling format.
And it's all about 20 x 20 - which is perfect for the year 2020!

A lot of schools, industries, and cities now have PechaKucha Nights, in which individuals share presentations of their work to others. There are typically 8 to 14 presentations in a PK night.

Today is the first International PechaKucha Day (02/20/2020 is a pretty good date for a storytelling format that features 20 x 20). The PK community hopes to inspire the most PK events and presentations on this one night and asks PK presenters to tag and share with the hashtag #ipk2020.
I have noticed how popular TED Talks have become over the past 30 years, and people can now stream past TED Talks (there is a TED Talks podcast "channel," a TED channel on YouTube, and Spotify offers TED Talks as well). PK is sort of the same idea - but WAAAAY shorter and way more visual. I would say it's a bit like the Instagram of presentations.
Also on this date:
Anniversary of the First Woman in Antarctica
Anniversary of Frederick Douglass's death
(Thursday of Engineering Week)
Plan ahead:
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