November 13 - Sandwich Day

Posted on November 13, 2020

There are many stories that claim that the modern sandwich is named after John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich.

One story is that Lord Sandwich didn't want to get up from gambling long enough to eat a proper meal, so he would ask his servants for the portable, no-need-for-a-plate meat-plus-bread. Another story suggests that the dedicated art patron, public servant, and naval officer ate what we now call sandwiches at his work desk.

Whatever the case, today is the Earl of Sandwich's birthday (he was born on November 13, 1718), and we can remember him by eating our favorite sandwiches!

Here are some of mine: beef dips, Disneyland's cheese-only Monte Cristo, a grilled cheese sandwich with pepperjack cheese, Subway's Veggie Delite, a fully-loaded burger (preferably a veggie burger), and a variety of vegetarian sandwiches that I've been lucky enough to try in my life!

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