Posted on August 11, 2020
The thing about today's holiday is, it's a way to sell more product!

But I thought it would be even more satisfying to see how kinetic sand works.
Apparently it's just ordinary sand that has been coated with silicone oil. In many cases, colored silicone oil.
Because of this coating, the grains of sand stick together - but don't stick to other surfaces (including our hands! Hooray!).

You may be wonder what silicone oil is: Silicones are a group of materials that (1) contain silicon and oxygen, and (2) are polymers - which means that the molecules are made up of long strings of repeated units. You might already know that silicones are used in beauty products (cosmetics, lotions, shampoos and conditioners), in sealants, and in lubricants.
Can you make homemade kinetic sand? Of course - check out this video!

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