June 15 - Día del Árbol in Costa Rica

Posted on June 15, 2019

The English translation of today's holiday is "Day of the Tree" or possibly "Tree Day."

But in English, we commonly call Tree Day "Arbor Day" - using the Latin word for tree, arbor. (We also use the word arbor to mean a shady garden "room" created by plants - the walls and roof are either trees or climbing plants trained over wooden trellises.)

Notice that the Spanish word for tree, árbol, is very similar to the Latin word. Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Romanian are all called Romance languages, from Romans - who spoke, of course, Latin.

Even though people love trees, we cut
them down in order to plant crops, build
cities, and use wood as lumber or to
make paper. But we should be mindful
about how many trees we take -
they provide SO MUCH that we need.

Like, you know, oxygen!
Of course, trees are important in every country, because trees provide shade, shelter, and most important oxygen; they help fight global warming by using carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; they provide necessities such as food (fruits and nuts), fire, building materials, and paper; they are beautiful; they hold the soil and provide homes to wildlife and are a super necessary part the ecosystem!

Trees are maybe even more important to Costa Rica than to some nations, because the rainforests of Costa Rica are among the most beautiful in the world and attract tourists. There are about 100 species of trees in Costa Rica's rainforests, and the forests are homes to everything from gorgeous orchids and colorful birds to quick-moving monkeys and slow-moving sloths.

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