Posted on June 23, 2019

But this holiday was probably invented before the song was. It's creation was a reminder to us all to engage in good mental health practices like these:
Learn from the past, but don't wallow in it. Let it go...
Admit when you were wrong, without using the word "but" as you spin a thousand excuses for yourself. Let the excuses go...
Acknowledge your mistakes, but don't punish yourself continuously for them. Don't let guilt get in the way of you apologizing, making things right, and going on with your life. Let it go...
Try to work through your fears by talking them out with a caring person, or by slowly introducing yourself to the feared object or activity, little by little, until you can let the fear go...
When someone treats you badly, rather than holding onto a grudge or plotting revenge, it's best to note that the person is less trustworthy than you would wish, but then let your hurt go...
Some people are in your life no matter what - but you can create boundaries and, whenever someone attacks you, insults you, belittles you, etc., try to notice that it's more about them than you, and let it float on past your mind.
Some people who are super negative or who treat you poorly don't have to be in your life. Let those relationships go - poof! Problem solved!
Many of us, especially those of us living in the "west," have too many possessions. Too many clothes, too much clutter. Get out some donation bags and even a trash bad, and sort through the clutter...and then let it go!
Remember, listening and singing along to Frozen's "Let It Go" may help you to let your negative garbage go!
Also on this date:
(Fourth Saturday in June)
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