Posted on April 18, 2019
Today is not really about religion, even though it seems like it would be.
Instead, today is about tearing down stereotypes.

Yet all that "atheist" means is not having an active belief in any god.
The concept of God/s is pretty key to most religions. Religion is often described as the belief in and worship of one or more gods or other supernatural power. Some religions can be atheistic - Buddhism is a good example - but some scholars quibble and say that atheistic religions are not religions at all, but rather philosophies, ways of life, spiritual traditions.
Many people who have no particular religion still assume that there is some supreme being, a God located somewhere and everywhere, ruling the universe. But many people who answer "None" when asked for their religion do NOT believe in any god. They don't believe in the Christian / Jewish / Muslim god (who is supposedly the same god, named Jehovah or Yahweh, but usually just called "God" - note that "Allah" is not the name of a god, but the Arab word for "God"). They don't believe in Hindu gods such as Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, and Krishna. They don't believe in Buddhist gods (some forms of Buddhism include belief in supernatural beings such as the "fierce deities"). They don't believe in the gods of ancient cultures such as Ancient Rome, Greece, China, or Egypt. They don't believe in Norse gods or Yoruba gods or Aztec gods or Inuit gods or Māori gods or the mother goddesses of Vietnam.

Ask an Atheist Day is a day when a few atheists wear buttons that say "I'm an atheist. Ask me anything." Some atheists will post the same statement and question online or on social media. The idea is to get polite dialogue going.
And hopefully to help people realize that the negative stereotypes of atheists are simply not true.
A look at some of the questions that atheists have gotten on April 18 in past years will show you what some of these negative stereotypes are:
"If you're an atheist, what's to prevent you from attacking or killing everyone you want? I mean, there is no moral reason not to, no eternal punishment, nobody watching!"
Lack of belief in any god is definitely not the same thing as lack of morals. Most morals have to do with having a nice life while not interfering with others' rights to have a nice life; AND, instead of interfering with others in a negative way, morals teach us to actively help others to achieve a good life. Most non-believers have high morals. They are kind and generous, they are loyal and peaceful, and although they slip up at times (like all of us), they try to do the right thing.
Also, the laws of most nations enshrine those same values; assaulting and murdering people is against U.S. law (and other nations' laws) as well as what religious people might think of as "God's laws"). So that whole "there's no punishment; nobody watching" thing pretty much goes out the window!
Some atheists point out that they DO attack and kill all the people they want. And the number of people they want to attack and kill is zero!
"The U.S. has 'In God we trust' right on the money. God is in the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance, and the national anthem. So how can an atheist be a good and patriotic American??"
First, should there be references to God on U.S. money and in the Pledge? After all, the United States is a pluralistic nation that was founded on the principle of the separation of religion from government!
Also, the "In God we trust" motto and the "under God" part of the pledge are both relatively modern inventions (1956 and 1954). George Washington and Thomas Jefferson never thought to invent such a motto or pledge - and I assume you aren't questioning them as "good, patriotic Americans"?
The national anthem is somewhat controversial - especially the rarely sung, rarely heard, and little known later verses. The familiar first verse does not mention God.
More importantly, the United States Constitution does not mention God, not even in the Preamble.
Also, by the way: a lot of good people in the world do not live in the United States. We might point out that being a "good, patriotic American" isn't the most important quality in a person...!
"I heard that atheists worship Satan and do awful things in ceremonies and rituals. Is that true?"
Atheists don't believe in or worship ANY supernatural being. Including Satan. So this one is really, really easy to answer with a firm "NO!"
I hope there will be lots of peaceful, respectful dialogue today! And maybe a few stereotypes torn down!
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(Third Thursday in April)
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