on January 21, 2017

For us Northern Hemisphere
types, it can be a time of short, dark, stormy days, and the founder of the holiday (Kevin Zaborney) thought it was a great time to try to bring warmth
and cheer into our lives.

Check the official website to see who won “Most Huggable Person of 2017” (plus
past winners).
Did you know that hugging
is physically good for you?
- Hugs also boost oxytocin levels. That chemical is called the “love chemical”; it's important to healing negative emotions such as loneliness and anger.
- There is evidence that hugging reduces stress, reduces blood pressure, improves immune function (so you get fewer colds or other viruses, and if you do get a cold, it tends to go away faster), and improves pain tolerance.
family therapist named Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs
a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need
twelve hugs a day for growth.”
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