December 12 - Day of Neutrality in Turkmenistan

Posted on December 12, 2019

Today is the second most important national holiday in the Central Asian nation of Turkmenistan.

The nation marked red is Turkmenistan.
It is near China (east), Pakistan and India (south),
Turkey (west), and Kazakhstan and Russia (north).

It celebrates the adoption of a resolution declaring the nation neutral in international armed conflicts, and requesting that the United Nations respects its neutrality.

Does a declaration of neutrality work? Well, honestly, not always. During World War II, for example, several nations attempted to stay neutral rather than join either the Allies or the Axis powers - but Hitler invaded them anyway. He kept his forces out of neutral Switzerland, but Switzerland showed that it was armed and ready to repel an invasion, so he ended up scrapping his plans for an invasion of that nation.

Still, having a declaration of neutrality ahead of any conflict probably helps a nation avoid being drawn into wars.

How do Turkmen celebrate their Day of Neutrality? The usual: parades, concerts, fireworks!

This purple-lit item (above) is NOT a rocket ship.
Instead, it is a monument called the Arch of Neutrality.
Below, the Arch can be seen behind nearby fountains.


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