Posted October 26, 2017
In Bulgaria, this is not only a feast day / saint day, it is also considered a name day. All the folks named Demetrius, Dimiter, Dimitrina, Dimo, Mitra, Dragan, Drago, and Dimka can celebrate their names today!

Some of the name-day greetings are, "May you hear your name from grandchildren and great-grandchildren!" and "May you hear your name only in good things!" and "May your name be healthy and well."
St. Demetrius is said to bring winter. He rides a red horse, according to tradition, and the first snowflakes fall from his beard. (Most of the pictures of the young saint don't have a beard. I think he grew that out later in life?)
In actuality, the first snowfalls are expected shortly after this feast day, which is the reason for that tradition!
In actuality, the first snowfalls are expected shortly after this feast day, which is the reason for that tradition!
Bulgaria looks very bright-and-sunny in the summer:
But it's gorgeous in the winter, too:
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