Posted on May 29, 2020

May 29 is called Oak Apple Day in commemoration of this date in 1660, when the English monarchy was officially restored.
You see, there was this whole English Civil War, when a Roundhead army (supporters of Parliament) fought against royalists (supporters of the king, in this case King Charles I) for control of England's government. The Roundheads won; in 1649 Charles I was executed, his son (Charles II) was exiled, and soon after Oliver Cromwell became the leader of the nation.
Even though the monarchy was squelched only around a decade, the English Civil War established that a king or queen cannot rule Britain without the consent of Parliament.
Now, what the heck does any of that have to do with oak apples?
Apparently Charles II hid from Roundhead armies in an oak tree.

I am not sure if any of these activities will occur in 2020...?
Also on this date:

Bermuda Day
(Last Friday in May)
Plan ahead:
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