Posted on June 3, 2018

Baker was born in the U.S. on this date in 1906, but the U.S. was plagued with so much racism, especially toward black people like her, that she ended up moving to Paris, France, and she loved her adopted country and became a citizen.

Baker carried notes written in invisible ink on her sheet music. In her home (which actually was a castle) in the south of France, she housed people working on the Free French effort, and she got visas for them as well. She even traveled in North Africa in order to enjoy the dry climate while recovering from pneumonia...only it was REALLY to keep helping the French resistance. From a base in Morocco, she made tours of Spain (parts of Africa are surprisingly close to parts of Spain!) She pinned notes with the information she gathered on the inside of her underwear, and indeed nobody suspected and subjected her to a close enough search to discover what she was up to.
After the war, Baker received two French medals for her courageous work on behalf of the French Resistance.
Here is another aspect of Baker's life that is super interesting:
She worked on the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. even though she lived in France!
Being famous around the world, especially after her heroics during World War II, many venues in the U.S. wanted to book her as an entertainer. But Baker refused to perform for segregated audiences. Because of this, some venues ended up having integrated audiences just for her one show, but she ended up basically bringing integration to show audiences in Las Vegas and some other places.
Baker gave speeches and worked with the NAACP and participated in Martin Luther King, Jr.,'s March on Washington as the only official female speaker.
Here is another fascinating bit about Baker:
She was not able to have kids of her own (she tried), but she adopted twelve kids.
You didn't read that wrong: 12!

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