on April 14, 2014
libraries in general and your local library in particular this week.

thing that is happening today is that this year's Top Ten List of
Frequently Challenged Books is released. “Challenged” books are
those that have motivated people to write letters of complaint. Well,
they don't just complain about the book – they ask that the
book be removed from the library or restricted to only certain ages.
a lot of people who don't want to read a particular book, or don't
want their kids to read a book, aren't satisfied with simply skipping
that book – they don't want anyone ELSE to read the book, either.
We are talking about people attempting to ban books, to censor
reading materials.
do people want to ban certain books? The top reasons for challenges
are for sexual material, “offensive” language, violence,
homosexuality, and occult or “Satanic” themes. Many people
complain that certain books are unsuited for kids or anti-family.

the way, even though librarians receive lots of challenge letters,
they very rarely actually ban books. And that's as it should be! After all, each person has the choice NOT to read a book that IS there – but if a book ISN'T there, nobody has a choice.
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