September 21, 2010

Peace One Day

Launched by filmmaker Jeremy Gilley in 1999, this day has been adopted by the United Nations as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. It is called, variously, the UN International Day of Peace and Peace Day.

It is a day to talk about non-violence in our homes, communities, and schools, and to create programs to increase peace at all levels of human interaction.

Is there a peace rally or program in your area? If not, consider creating one. You can do something small today, and plan a larger action for next year. The people behind Peace One Day are partially trying to get the word out about the day—because if the world can create one day of peace, perhaps it can move toward a real and lasting peace.

One Day One Goal is a program to see football (in the U.S., it's called soccer) matches played on Peace Day in every country in the world. PUMA is helping to put this program together. To participate, play football/soccer!

For more ideas...

Adopt” a Peace Corps volunteer, or create a dove ornament or paper cranes, or write letters to your government... There are lots of ideas here

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