June 24 - Battle of Carabobo Day in Venezuela

Posted on June 24, 2020

Freedom fighters!

It's funny how so many people honor and celebrate freedom fighters from history - especially long-ago history - but shudder at the words "freedom fighters" fighting for freedom in the present! I guess it's part of that very human "us vs. them" mentality - because the freedom fighters of the past resulted in the current "us," and freedom fighters of the present might topsy-turvy "us" in favor of rule by "them" - whoever "them" is!

At any rate, on this date in 1821, freedom fighters led by Venezuelan General Simón Bolívar fought against Spanish forces. It was this battle in Carabobo, Venezuela, that resulted in Venezuela's independence from Spain - and the founding of the Republic of Gran Colombia.

This holiday is also called Army Day and is sometimes commemorated with battle re-enactments and military parades.

Carabobo is a state in the current Venezuela. There are some lovely places there...

Also on this date:

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