And today is
Octopus Day!
celebrate all the eight-armed-and-no-tentacles cephalopods! (Squid
and cuttlefish have eight arms but also two tentacles, so they have
ten long, flexible appendages.)
the difference between an arm and a tentacle?

a lot of sources I am finding use arms and tentacles in the same way.
So you'll read in some places that octopi have eight tentacles and
squid have ten tentacles, for example.
Greek word part “cephalo-” means “head,” and “-pod” means
“foot.” So the name of this group of animals means “head-footed.”
That is because these mollusks have larger, more important heads and
larger brains than other mollusks such as clams and snails. And that's
why these creatures are smarter.
cephalopods are hunters, and you have to be smart to be a successful
hunter. (A few cephalopods are scavengers rather than hunters. In
other words, they eat scraps of dead bodies.)
- Do some octopus arts and crafts.

- Eat special Octopus Day foods, like octopops and “octopus” soup (don't worry—it's not made with octopus!—heck, it's not even soup!).
- Play octopus games, or watch some awesome videos.
- Speaking of awesome videos, have you seen the one of the octopus who steals a video camera—while it's still recording?
- And I particularly like this video showing an octopus using its amazing camouflage skills!
- Sing "Octopus's Garden"!
on this date:
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