do people do to celebrate Mad Hatter Day?
celebrate silliness!
not a day for tricks or pranks, like April Fool's Day. This kinder,
gentler “fool's day” is for being silly in a little-kid way.
Listen to jokes, sing ridiculous songs, run around, do cartwheels and
somersaults and silly dances! Or try to look at our world with your
topsy-turvy “the whole world's crazy” eyeglasses:
- Iceland is pretty green (in the summer), but Greenland is covered with ice.
When you dust a bookshelf, you remove the dust, but when you dust a cake with sugar, you add the “dust” (sugar crystals).
- We get the power to travel around by “taking the juice from hundred-million-year-old rotten dinosaur food and exploding it in a metal can.” (Thanks, Ari Rapkin, for this fresh look at our world!)
Planes landing on an aircraft carrier have to catch a heavy wire with a hook attached to the tail of the airplane in order to survive the landing. It's incredibly difficult and dangerous, and when I toured an aircraft carrier I wondered who would even come up with such a ridiculous concept! (I mean, it does work, but what made people think for a moment that it would?)

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