is my birthday, and for several years now I realized that it was
going to be a fun date to say. That's because (in the U.S.) we say
the month number, then the day number, then the shortened year
number, and today is 10/11/12!
many places, such as the U.K., it's 11/10/12. People in these places
have to wait until November 10 for this most-cool of dates!)
any rate, I am pleased to announce that the United Nations has made
this day the International Day of the Girl. I can humbly deny that
today was chosen in order to honor my birthday (although I must point
out that I AM a girl, so maybe?).
Day of the Girl website states 12 reasons for the day. Basically, the point is that females
make a large (and increasing) part of the world, but they experience
inequality every day. Making a difference in girls' lives can make a
huge difference in the world.
website claims that “girls can save the world.”
face different problems in different parts of the world. For example,
child marriage and female “circumcision” (mutilation) are tragic
traditions in some nations, but where I live, in the U.S., these
problems are thankfully almost entirely absent. However, girls here
face body image problems and pressure to be “sexy” at
increasingly early ages.
on this date:
Here are some more people in history who share my birthday:
Mathematician Lewis F. Richards's birthday
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