and teams from around the world will race for three weeks and will
pedal 3,497 kilometers (more than 2,000 miles), including nine flat
“stages” (day-long segments) and nine mountain stages. There will
be only two days of rest, while being transported from the end of one
stage to the beginning of another.
your bicycle as fast as you can in the Alps or Pyrenees Mountains,
and finishing a day's race at the summit of a mountain, sounds tough
enough—to do it for three weeks sounds impossible! Yet people do
it, and they love it, and they come back year after year.

some of the race, if you can. NBC Sports has some race coverage in
the U.S. and provides videos on its website.
more about France. Kid Activities has a lot of ideas—including a
Slowest-Bicycle-Wins “race” to honor the Tour de France.
you hear that Nik Wallenda crossed Niagara Falls two weeks ago
(Friday, June 15) for the first time in history? Well, Wallenda's
crossing was at the widest, wildest, wettest spot. This 1859 crossing
(by a guy named Gravelet) was a lot tamer because it was higher up on
the river. (But Gravelet later crossed the Falls on a tightrope while
blindfolded, then while pushing a wheelbarrow, then on stilts, and
then while carrying another man!!!)
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