2004, Chad asked the United Nations to look into the issue of there
being two almost-identical flags in the world—but the president of
Romania said that, no matter what, Romania wouldn't be changing its
flag. Well, I don't blame the Romanians! Chad adopted the same flag
that the Romanians had been using for 12 years—I think that Chad
ought to make a change!
problem with tricolor flags is that there are many that are quite
similar. Take a peek at all the tricolor flags of the world. It's not
terribly easy to tell at a glance if a flag is Irish, Italian, or
Ivory Coast, is it?
word vexillography means the study of flags. Check out this vexillography website, which has plenty of tips about good flag
design. Oh, if only someone in Chad had known all this before that
nation's flag was designed!
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