on April 29, 2016
money for a “rainy day” – and saving up for big purchases –
are great ideas, and teaching kids to save when they are still young
is smart, too.
have to admit, the greedy shenanigans some bankers were up to – you
know, the shenanigans that caused so much devastation, pain, poverty
with the 2008 financial crisis – makes me feel a twinge of cynicism
as I contemplate the American Bankers Association's involvement in
creating this holiday.

course, many families struggle with having enough money for their
bare-bone needs RIGHT NOW – and that should be of concern to the
community at large.
families who can afford to should have good conversations about
spending, saving, donating, and investing. They should discuss the
difference between needs and wants. And they should encourage kids to
save regularly, even if just a bit. “Just a bit” every month adds
- Money Savvy offers a special 4-chambered piggy bank.
- Money Crashers has some ideas about how to teach saving.
- Money Toolkit$ provides a super simple video about how banks work.
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