May 6 – No Homework Day

Posted on May 6, 2016

I read that this is supposed to be a day when kids, teens, and even university students can say, “I'm not doing my homework today.”

If you think about it, EVERY day students can say that – but then they have to face consequences for not doing assigned homework. 

I doubt that a teacher who would assign homework on No Homework Day would accept the “holiday” as a valid excuse...


I'd like to point out that, in education today, there are a lot of adults talking about homework as a Bad Thing. There are books such as The Case Against Homework (Kalish and Bennett), The Homework Myth (Kohn), and The End of Homework (Kralovec).

(And that's in addition to all the parents and teachers who think that kids would be better off with no assignments, period – no homework and no classwork, either. They urge people to either follow Sudbury Valley schools or unschooling, and allow kids to learn without assignments, tests, required courses, etc., etc.!)

What is the case against homework?

(These are generalizations, of course – and they pertain to the U.S. public school system. Specifics will vary depending on the place in the nation or the world.)

  • Kids get too much homework, too early. Compared to students in the past, younger students (ages 6 to 8) are doing about twice as much homework; increases among kids ages 9 to 12 are smaller. A recent study published in The American Journal of Family Therapy found that kids are getting, in some cases, three times as much homework as is recommended.
  • Many people say that the six or so hours of school are enough formal academics; what kids need more than several more hours of academics is time to play, sleep, be physically active, and interact with friends and family. Kids in America tend to be sleep-deprived and under-active.
  • It may surprise you to discover that research shows that kids (especially those younger than high school age) largely do not benefit academically from homework. Here is a “Fact Sheet” about homework.

So, instead of just saying, “I'm not doing my homework” for one day, maybe you should use the day to start a dialogue with parents and teachers and the community at large about making No-Homework Day EVERY day!

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