on January 12, 2015
the guy who sorta kinda invented modern fairy tales!
Perrault, born in Paris, France, on this date in 1628, studied law
and had a career in governmental service. He was the secretary of the
Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres—and I gather that this
was sort of like being a department head, not a lowly post.
worked under King Louis XIV, who is the Louis called “the Great”
and the king who made the lavish Palace of Versailles the seat of
royal power. One of the things Perrault suggested was including 39
fountains in the gardens of Versailles, with each fountain
representing one of the fables of Aesop.

are not sure about the origins of the stories; they may have been based on oral traditions and ancient stories, or they may have been mostly original to Perrault. One thing is sure: many of the fairy tales we are most familiar with are based on Perrault's telling.
talking “The Sleeping Beauty,” “Little Red Riding Hood,”
“Bluebeard,” “Puss in Boots,” “Cinderella,” “Diamonds
and Toads.”
Here's an interesting fact: The stories were claimed to be the work of author Pierre Perrault Darmancour, Perrault's son, who was 19 years old at the time of publication. However, scholars say that there is no evidence that the son wrote the stories or even collaborated on them; it seems clear that only the elder Perrault wrote the tales and then used them to introduce his son to society.
when the Grimm brothers were collecting what they called “traditional
German” stories to be published as fairy tales, they included
Perrault's stories as well...
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