September 4 - National Wildlife Day in the U.S.A.

 Posted on September 4, 2021

There are several days dubbed "Wildlife Day," including World Wildlife Day on March 3. Today's special day focuses on wildlife of the U.S., especially on endangered species.

The thing is, the United States is pretty large, and it includes a Pacific island state (Hawaii), a Caribbean island (Puerto Rico), and a state that is partly in the Arctic Circle (Alaska). So the wildlife is really diverse!

Here are a few of the biomes found in the United States and a few of the wildlife found in those biomes. (A biome is a large, naturally occurring community of animals and plants and other organisms that can be found in a particular kind of habitat.)

Arctic and alpine tundra - including arctic ground squirrel, caribou, and arctic fox

Coniferous forest (taiga) - including beaver, moose, brown bear

Prairie - including prairie dog, pronghorn, bison

Deciduous forest - including white-tailed deer, raccoon, porcupine

Desert - including Gila monster, coyote, roadrunner

Tropical rainforest - including velvety free-tailed bat, sooty mustached bat, and ghost-faced bat

Chaparral - including the California gnatcatcher, the red diamond rattlesnake, and the California condor (a critically endangered species)

Coastal sage scrub - including bobcat, alligator lizard, and Stephen's kangaroo rat (an endangered species)

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