on September 4, 2014

They are called “fullerenes” in homage to architect Buckminster Fuller, who pointed out that triangles and hexagons are much stronger shapes to build with than are squares and rectangles. The geodesic dome was one of his inventions.
word fullerene is, of course,
an homage to Fuller's last name, but the first fullerene ever
prepared – on this date in 1985 – was named buckminsterfullerene.
(That's a mouthful!) Now scientists call any spherical fullerene a
buckyball, and they call cylindrical fullerenes buckytubes (AKA carbon nanotubes or megatubes).
Stunningly, fullerenes have been found in nature and have even been detected in outer space! Here are some quotes from scientists:
most exciting breakthrough provides convincing evidence that the
buckyball has, as I long suspected, existed since time immemorial in
the dark recesses of our galaxy." – chemist Sir Harry Kroto,
one of the scientists who first discovered fullerenes
possible that buckyballs from outer space provided seeds for life on
Earth." – astronomer Letizia Stanghellini

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