heard of it? You may have heard of the countries involved: England
and Spain.
did a war get such a weird name?
first of all, you must understand that England and Spain fought quite
a few wars. They fought over religious differences, piracy and
dominance of the oceans, and competition for new lands. They fought
because of shifting alliances with other nations and plotting between
various kings and queens.
any old excuse would do!

enough, his complaint came SEVEN YEARS after the attack, which was on
this date in 1731!

more about this war at How Stuff Works.
you know...?
other famous loss-of-ear incidents include the time that boxer Mike Tyson
bit off part of Evander Holyfield's ear during a bout, and the time
that Vincent van Gogh cut off part of his own ear (or, some
historians theorize, his friend Paul Gauguin, another famous painter,
cut off the ear in a fight).
me, nobody is going to attack your ear—these incidents RARELY
happen. But people accidentally hurt their ears or hearing all the time! You can take care of your ears by following these tips:
- Don't put things into your ear canal. Even poking around with cotton swabs can harm your ears. If you think you have too much earwax, dirt, or anything else in your ear, ask for appropriate help—a parent, a doctor, a nurse.
- Don't listen to loud music—especially with earphones/earbuds.
- Dry your ears with a towel, and shake out water, after swimming. If you get swimmer's ear—an itchy or painful infection—seek medical attention.
- Wear earplugs or noise-canceling headphones if you have to be somewhere very noisy.
- When flying, yawn frequently as the plane takes off or lands. Or chew gum during ascent and descent.
Gary G. Matthews has an illustrated
page that allows us to see what happens inside our ears as we hear
different sounds. (Click "Play with sound.")
you like to learn through cute-but-a-bit-corny videos, check out
Study Jams's offering
on ears.
Plan Ahead:
Tuesday is One Day Without Shoes. Take a peek at this motivating video to see what the day is all about.
on this date:
Finnish Language Day
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