could be more crucial to the quality of life than plenty of clean
humans use water to drink, to cook, to wash up and clean things, to
keep our crops and livestock and gardens and pets alive, to make
products, to play, and even as a source of natural beauty. And in
several of these uses, not just any water will do – it's got to be
fresh (not salty), unpolluted, drinkable water!
word for water that is safe to drink is potable.)
young woman named Megha Kumar
won a contest for this year's Water Day slogan: “Water, water
everywhere, only if we share.”
about 70% of the Earth is covered by water, most of it is salty ocean
water. As a matter of fact, 96.5% of Earth's water is in its oceans!
Some of the rest of Earth's water is tied up in glaciers and icecaps,
some is deep down in the ground, and some is vapor high in the sky. A
tiny percent of Earth's water is fresh water in rivers, lakes,
reservoirs, and aquifers.

course, water isn't just sitting still. Everyone knows about the
water cycle: water evaporates from the ocean (and every other water
source) and as vapor becomes part of the atmosphere; then the vapor
condenses back into liquid or freezes into ice crystals; eventually
it falls out of the sky as rain or snow or sleet or hail. It either
packs up on the ground (as snow or ice), or it runs off of or seeps
into the ground (as water). Some of the rainwater and snowmelt finds
its way into rivers and lakes, and rivers eventually run into the
ocean. Water, water everywhere—changing its state from liquid to
vapor to frozen and back again to liquid—changing its
location—sometimes picking up pesticides and industrial or
sanitation waste, picking up minerals, eroding rocks, carrying soil.
let us not forget that part of the water cycle is involves living
things. Animals drink water, and plants soak up water with their
roots; both animals and plants release water back into the
environment in several ways.
human bodies are from 60 to 70% water, and some creatures are about
90% water (by weight). Here on Earth—and scientists suspect
everywhere—life is dependent on water. Planetary scientists who
hope to find some sort of life on other planets aren't just on the
lookout for water, they're looking for liquid water. These
scientists point out that the biochemical reactions that sustain life
need fluid to occur, because molecules can dissolve into liquid, and
substances can move from one place to another in a cell or body.
Getting molecules where they need to go is too hard within a solid.
And gas-based (vapor-based) life would go all to pieces because in a
gas molecules move too much, too quickly.
so fresh, clean, liquid water is super important to all of us. It is
unevenly distributed on Earth, and we can't count on the same amount
throughout the year. What to do? That winning slogan I told you about
gives one hint: we should share. If we all conserve water whenever we
can and cooperate with each other to share water and to share
technology to purify water, we will all be better off.
the official World Water Day website.
Check out the lifestraw and five
other devices to purify water.
on this date:
author Louis L'Amour's birthday
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