He was one of the most popular and influential American composers. He
wrote for orchestras and operas, but he also wrote popular songs and
worked as a song-plugger in Tin Pan Alley.
to some of Gershwin's best: Rhapsody in Blue
and An American in Paris.
to think of at least five ordinary words that have four consonants in
a row. I put my list at the bottom of this post. (It's only fair to
count the letter “Y” as a vowel when it is found in the spot
where a vowel would be, such as “myth.”)
Can you think of any
words that have MORE than four consonants in a row?
on this date:
Consonants in a Row:
- strength
- warmth
- angst
- eggplant
- ballplayer
Than Four Consonants in a Row:
- catchphrase
- spendthrift
- backsplash
- nightclothes
- thousandths
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