July 26, 2012 - One Voice

Today at 1 p.m. CDT, people from all over the world will be reading the Universal Peace Covenant aloud. Although the peace covenant will be read in English and Spanish and many other languages, read by men and by women, by young people and by the elderly—we are asked to consider all the voices reading aloud the covenant at the same time to be just one voice, united in hope of peace.

Check out the official website, which has the Universal Peace Covenant, in case you want to participate in the global read-aloud. 

Create a Peace Camp!

In some places, people are holding “peace camps” for kids, where children can learn about good ideas that encourage peace. Maybe you could do your own personal “camp” by learning about people like Harriet Tubman, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ruby Bridges, and Nelson Mandela. Try to implement these “100 Ideas for Creating a More Peaceful World.” Make a poster for peace. (Here are some inspirations!) Sing songs about peace! 

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