on September 21, 2013

you know that play is really important? It is one of the best ways
that mammals learn whatever they need to know.

Humans have to learn more than any other creature—and we learn many
things best in freely-chosen play activities!
Watch babies turn meal time into a game of drop-the-spoon. (They're not being ornery, they are trying to figure out how gravity works!) Watch toddlers play by moving things, stacking things, threading things, pushing things—learning how the world works, and practicing hand-eye coordination. Listen to little kids learning language by playing rhyming games and babbling silly sounds. Older kids playing a pick-up game of basketball or kickball are learning all sorts of things about forces and momentum, and they are also learning how to get along, how to negotiate rules—lots of stuff!
it's not really play unless you are choosing it – and unless you
can always choose to quit playing. Free play, pretend play, game play
– do it all today!
great ways to play...
...water play

on this date:
out my Pinterest pages on September
holidays, September
and historical
anniversaries in September.
here are my Pinterest pages on October
holidays, October
and historical
anniversaries in October.
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