No, not THE Oscar Hammerstein.
people recognize the name Oscar Hammerstein at all, they are almost
always thinking of our birthday boy's grandson, Oscar Hammerstein II,
who joined Richard Rodgers in writing many famous songs for many
famous musicals. (Think Oklahoma!, South Pacific, The
Sound of Music, and more!)
the guy I mean.

17 years old when he arrived in New York City, Hammerstein got a job
working in a cigar factory. He worked his way up to becoming a cigar
maker; he also founded a journal about cigars and even invented
better cigar-making machines—80 patents' worth of inventions!
Hammerstein ended up making a fortune on tobacco.

in all, Hammerstein built eleven theaters and opera houses,
spearheaded the growth of opera and other entertainment in New York
City's Manhattan, and started a family legacy of musical
entertainment as well!
on this date:
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