no prince to take the crown—but there must be some relative of
Sebastian who could rule! The Portuguese awarded the crown to the
only royal relative: Sebastian's great-uncle, who became King Henry.
he died, too. Without an
wasn't a democracy. The people of Portugal didn't get to vote to see
who would rule the nation. With the entire royal house having died
out, what would happen next?
happened next was that the King of Spain stepped in and claimed the
throne. He was King Philip II of Spain, and he also
became Philip I of Portugal. Portugal sorta' kinda' remained
independent, but...
being ruled by the Spanish king, Portugal was dragged into Spain's
war Eighty Years' War. Portugal lost a lot of its navy, its good
relationship with England, and its monopoly on the Indian Sea trade.
years after Philip took over in Portugal, some Portuguese nobles
staged an uprising and declared their leader King John IV. It is this
1640 revolt—the restoration of Portugal's independence—that is
celebrated today.
more about Portugal...
- In this earlier post, I explored some ways in which Portugal is the most-est of this and that.
- In this earlier post, learn about Portugal's most important poet and Fado, a genre of music. There are also links to slide shows and jigsaw puzzles.
- In this earlier post, there is a short quiz, links to Portuguese recipes and Portuguese language, and a video of the beauties of Portugal.
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