Posted on January 27, 2019
Today is celebrated in many different places by many different names, including International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Auschwitz Liberation Day.
The latter name gives a hint about why January 27 was selected: it is the anniversary of the date in 1945 when Soviet troops liberated the prisoners remaining at Auschwitz I, a Nazi concentration camp in Poland.
You probably already know from some key words and the year that all of this occurred near the end of World War II. Nazi Germany not only invaded country after country in Europe, the Nazis also rounded up and murdered - we might also use extreme words like "exterminated" - Jewish people and other groups of people that the Nazis thought were undesirable.
This horrific time of history has been covered by many, many books and articles and documentaries and feature films and and and...
Instead of describing the awful deeds and terrible tragedies of the Holocaust, I will concentrate on some of the commemorations held around the world.

The Czech Republic (aka Czechia) adds to the name "Memorial Day for the Victims of the Holocaust" the important words "and Prevention of Crimes Against Humanity." It's important to remember the past, honor the victims, and celebrate the courage of heroes, liberators, and martyrs - but it's even more important to LEARN FROM the past so that we don't repeat it!

It's not enough to light a candle or lay a wreath. Many places in the world are experiencing an upswing in fear of immigrants, in hatred toward refugees, in right-wing nationalism that reminds many WWII survivors and historians of Nazism and other forms of fascism. We should ALL, this day and every day, work to resist fear and hatred, work to eradicate nationalism and to push back against fascism.

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