on February 22, 2015
centuries, North America was the home of a variety of peoples, from
Inuit and Tlingit in the north to Apalachee and Hopi in the south.
But starting in the late 1400s, Europeans came, explored, and settled
in North America. Explorer and conquistador Ponce de Leon led an
expedition to a land he named Florida, or Festival of Flowers; he
claimed the land for Spain in 1513.
forward a smidge more than three centuries. On this date in 1819,
Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

Florida Treaty was considered a triumph of American diplomacy. Since
the nation was still relatively young compared to other nations in
1819, obtaining territory through peaceful negotiation was not
necessarily an easy accomplishment!
and Keys

I live in Southern
California, and we have all of those things, too! But Florida has a
few extra-extra-special features: loads of islands (the Florida
Keys), and awesome diving and snorkeling (in the Caribbean Sea).
Florida Keys are islands that are the remnants of an old coral reef.
There are many islands – about 1,700 of them! – but only about 30
are inhabited.
West is (you guessed it) the westernmost of the inhabited islands.
Key Largo is (as you might also guess) the largest of the keys.
two keys get mentioned a lot, but there are a lot of Keys I had never
heard of before. I love the names No Name Key and Knockemdown Key!
There are also keys named after flowers (Wisteria Key), animals
(Raccoon Key), state names (Ohio Key), general nouns (Boot Key) and
verbs (Crawl Key) and adjectives (Ragged Keys).
you can imagine, tourism is key to the Keys' economies. Many visitors
love to scuba dive in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. Commercial and
recreational fishing are also important.
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