on May 20, 2014
- Take the opportunity of today's special day to brush up on useful measures that you haven't yet quite mastered.

If you will be traveling
in Canada this summer, but you live in the U.S., try to become more
familiar with the metric system...especially kilometers compared to miles.
A lot of people get
confused about light years – but you know that it's a
measurement of distance, not time, right?
A cubit was defined as the
distance from a man's elbow
to the tip of his longest finger.Another way to celebrate Weights and Measures Day is to do homage to obsolete measures such as the chaldron (a dry measure), the clove (a measure of weight), and the rood (a measure of area), or to find out about measures from around the world, such as the sun (a measure of length in Japan), the catty (a measure of weight in China), and the jupiter (astronomers usually compare newly discovered planets from other star systems in terms of the mass of Jupiter!).
Did you know that, in
England, road signs are given in miles, the price of gasoline
(petrol) is given in pounds (a unit of money) per liter, and the
efficiency of auto engines is given in miles per gallon. That's gotta
be confusing!
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